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Friday, 12 October 2012

how to make our pc or laptop as a wireless router

                 how to make our pc or laptop as a wireless router                 step 1  download Connectify Installer software. step 2 after install it restart your pc. step 3 then connect any pc through you pc.         enjoy. software size-6784kb download simple search  google&nbs...

Thursday, 11 October 2012

top project Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering project 2012-2013

Monitoring systems Alcohol detector &control logic with toxic gas sensor Analog to Digital Converter AUTOMATIC CAR PARKING USING P.L.C Automatic toll tax BJT & FET Amplifier kit Bus stand control system Contact Less Technometer Electronic guard for blind Fuzzy logic based traffic light controller Industrial fault Microcontroller based industrial timer with RTC Piezo harvesting Pulse rate meter Vehicle position monitoring through GPS VI...

top project for electronic and communication engineering student 2012-2013

Anticolling of tarian AUIDO/VIDEOWIRELESSTARNSSMION Auto answering with secerity dial up Bilge oil water separator Detection of metal (bomb using electricfiled) Finger based security system GSM based home security system INIERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE SYSTEM Light rover Measure and control of green house gases using zig bee technology Multi-wideband compact micro strip patch antenna based on slot matching Patient monitor system Propeller clock with...

head first c pdf free download

head first c language programming language free download. Head First C - Head First C provides a complete learning experience for C and structured imperative programming.                                     book name- head first c                               ...

gate exam guide and solved paper for computer science.

     gate exam solved paper for computer science.             book name- gate exam prepare              positive point- ten year solved paper.                         download link

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

how to create an intranet network (web server).local web server.

 there are five step to create a intranet these step are used in window based system. Rsources Required: 1-   wamp server 2-   php  3- window (xp,7,other) 1) Install a web server in one of the computers (Note: WAMP is very easy to install and it's free ) 2) Paste the web files (HTML or PHP) in C:/wamp/www/ 3) Test. Open a web browser from the same computer where you...

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

top ten computer science and it project 2012-2013

Department of Computer Engineering top 50 project 2012 and 2013 CS & IT Project name Portal Website(Social Networking) SMEC TPO Cell Website Steganography Call Centre Automation The AAA Principle of security SMEC TATVA College Administration System Speech Recognition System HTTP Caching Proxy Server Rapid Transit Software Text to Speech Converter (TTS) Analysis & Comparison of ADDV & DSR based on different parameter Interactive...