Wednesday, 10 October 2012

how to create an intranet network (web server).local web server.

 there are five step to create a intranet

these step are used in window based system.

Rsources Required:

1-   wamp server

2-   php 

3- window (xp,7,other)

1) Install a web server in one of the computers (Note: WAMP is very easy to install and it's free )

2) Paste the web files (HTML or PHP) in C:/wamp/www/

3) Test. Open a web browser from the same computer where you installed the server and write in the address bar http://localhost/ or (same thing). If you see the web page then it is perfect, otherwise troubleshoot.

4) Now you can access from another computer in you LAN by opening a browser and writing the name or the IP of the computer with the server. For example http://server/ or (check for the correct IP first)

That's it!

Also, you can access the web server from outside your LAN. For that you must, configure your router to let the port 80 pass through to the web server. To test if your port 80 is unblocked and to know what is your public IP you can use

Then from another computer outside your LAN for instance from your work or school put http://(and your public ip) to test.
If you have a dynamic IP, you can use a dynamic DNS service like to have your own dynamic "domain" without having to check what is your public IP every time you want to connect from outside..

Now, you have a web server!


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